
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Regardless Wednesday, Miles of Backstory, and The Legends of a Round Table. By Hannah Walker

Okay, so I was on the couch earlier,watching the rain, (This sounds so serene, it really wasn't) and was thinking about the blog...over the sounds of my mother bustling around in the kitchen, Adventures in Odyssey playing in my sister's room, my dog harping over a neighbor that had mistakenly stepped into our yard while walking his own dogs, and Owl City's new album Mobile Orchestra (If you haven't heard it, you are absolutely hopeless, you need to hear his music, click this link: over all the music. 
 Anyway, back to the point, I was thinking about how different blogs have things like, "Wacky Wednesday (Interviewer:Did you just quote Doctor Suess?
                     Me: Yes, yes I did.)
and Throwback Thursday. But, I couldn't think of anything that rhymes with Wednesday that wouldn't copyright.SO, Then a thought, inspired by John Green himself popped into my head, and I don't feel like going to the bookshelf, rooting through all the piles of Green novels, until I found 'Paper Towns' and got the exact quote. So, with Margo and her iDeals oN hOW caPitaliZatiON's bAsic rUles cOULD huRT lEttER's fEelIngs, flowing through my mind, the book I was reading (Struck, by Jennifer Bosworth) completely forgotten, I decided, "I shall SLAY the unwritten rules of writing!(see what I did there?) So here we are, after miles of backstory and links, 

drumroll please.


HAHA! and here is the story for this magical day where I completely disregard all rules of
  1. Capitalization
  2. Rhyming
  3. My Sanity...

The Legends of a Round Table. By Hannah Walker
There are legends, and then there are Legends. Once upon a time, in the land of nobility, chivalry, courage, and justice, there were the Knights of the Round Table. They abided in a castle and in that castle there were the Cavalry quarters, and in the Calvary quarters, the knights planned how to, simply, save the world.  The reason they had a ‘round’ table instead of a reliably regular rectangular sitting area was frankly because, circles were round, had no points, and plainly stated that they were all equals. There was no ‘head’ chairman or leader of the group. Just some noble men looking to ensure justice unto the world. They swore to always follow their ‘Knights-of-the-round-table’ or ‘KRT’’ code which goes as follows: Aid any person in trouble, to not single out females simply because they were always stereotyped as the ‘Helpless Maiden in Despair’ or “Damsels in Distress” .Helpless, schmelpless. Ever heard of Malala? Anyway, the code also included; “To protect the helpless and weak, man or female, didn’t matter. To fight evil, and to have each other’s backs. Because of them, that era was just that much better. Thanks to the Legends of the Round Table, who shined light in a world brimming with darkness,

and illiteracy.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Helping Hands, by Bethany

Hey readers! Here is February's guest story! Thanks a bunch of daisies!!! :[ )

Helping Hands, by Bethany

Whitaker Jason had a kind reputation for saving people's lives, when they needed it of course. He also could never do it without the help of his trusty crewmen, of which he named Argonauts. Jason just began torelax in his colorful beach chair, recovering from a previous excursion,when he received an urgent message.Hastily, the message was pleadinghim to set sail immediately, for a king from another land was in trouble.Quickly, Jason ordered his men the hoist the sail, for they were to crossthe great blue Aegean Sea, and from what he could tell that could takeall day.So they immediately set sail and arrived in the kingdom, thereJason approached king Phineas. King Phineas truly claimed that evil Zeus; king of the gods had blinded him. And on top of that, sent his harsh minions, called harpies to do his dirty work and stole Phineas' Succulent food every time he ate. So now Phineas was blind, had no food, and had repulsive harpies attacking him constantly.Jason soaked up this information, considering the numerous possibilities of what he could do. Gathering his capable Argonauts, here quested that they build a clever harpie trap, while telling the 2 special Argonauts who were sons of the great North Wind, to soar high above the massive trees, and keep a sharp eye out for harpies. When one intruded, the sons would chase them far beyond the sea.After two long games of chase, Jason ordered them to collect some scrumptious food for the poor old king. In return, Phineas gifted Jason with a new spectacular ship to sail home in. Ever so grateful,Jason and his huge crew rushed aboard, exploring every nook and cranny in it.A helpful sailor, is a happy one

Monday, February 8, 2016

Glass Sword Release!!!

Hello Fellow Geeks!
As you may already know, tomorrow is a pretty big day for the YA fandom!!! And do you know why? On February 9 (tomorrow) the sequel to the New York Times Bestseller Red Queen, Glass Sword!!!

If you haven't already red the first one, here's a synopsis provided by Wikipedia.

The story is set in a fantasy world where human beings are divided based on the colour of their blood. The "ordinary" people have red blood and those with "abilities" have silver blood. These silver-blooded are referred to as "Silvers" and are the ruling elite. Silvers severely oppress the red-blooded commoners referred to as "Reds".

A series of events results in the discovery of a seventeen-year-old Red girl with abilities named Mare. The royal family hides the truth about her lineage and proclaims her as one of their own, a Silver accidentally raised as a Red. Oppression of the Reds leads to a rebellion (the Scarlet Rebellion) and the rise of revolutionaries, lead by Reds. The Silvers and Reds clash and the main character, Mare, is caught in between. Both sides want to use her to their advantage and she struggles internally as she tries to decide what to do to keep her family alive without completely changing and going against what she believes to be right. 

 Now, introducing Glass Sword, the highly anticipated sequel! 
Mare Barrow’s blood is red—the color of common folk—but her Silver ability, the power to control lightning, has turned her into a weapon that the royal court tries to control. 

The crown calls her an impossibility, a fake, but as she makes her escape from Maven, the prince—the friend—who betrayed her, Mare uncovers something startling: she is not the only one of her kind.

Pursued by Maven, now a vindictive king, Mare sets out to find and recruit other Red-and-Silver fighters to join in the struggle against her oppressors.

But Mare finds herself on a deadly path, at risk of becoming exactly the kind of monster she is trying to defeat.

Will she shatter under the weight of the lives that are the cost of rebellion? Or have treachery and betrayal hardened her forever?

Thanks for reading! And please check out the awesome mind behind the books, here!

Here's the link to the books! Please check it out!
Glass Sword (Book 2)

Red Queen (Book 2)

Thanks again! BTW, you probably won't here from me til Friday. I have a sequal to read!
~Toddles :{ )

*All rights go the the Victoria Aveyard, HarperCollins, and Wikipedia