As you know, yesterday was the grand opening of this blog, and today is first post day!!!
So, let me explain the 'further' explorations.
Every week, I, will post a brand new story, written by me, Or my fellow publishers. But, I(unfortunately) will only feature a new publisher once every month.
And here comes the shocker, Every so often,that fellow publisher could be, Y-O-U!
Well, not you exactly But, if you're an author and would like to have your stories out in on the interweb,
Leave a comment on this post, or other opportunities, and I'll send you an info packet.Gratis
This blog is just stories, fables,fiction,non-fiction,dystopian,sci-fi,adventure,humor,or even a genre somebody made up! Anything about books, or the occasional Doctor Who will pop up too sometimes... Reviews,Links, and maybe videos in the future...
But, all stories are welcome, and most will be posted. But, you should know, don't post something you wouldn't want your name signed to. Because, once a story's out on the world wide web there's nothing you can do to take it back. So, send wisely...
Also, Tell your friends!!! This blog can't survive on 3 views and a camel. Click the share button! And follow my fellow authors, Cuz they freakin slay.
Thank you soooo much for stopping by to check out this blog! It truly means alot. And, you should totally check out my other-first-blog;
I'd also like to thank my-current & Future- writing team! YOU GUYS TOTALLY ROCK!!!
And anyone else that helps along with the tecky stuff, and reviews, I couldn't do it without you!!!
You guys totally slay,like no comp. <3
You guys totally slay,like no comp. <3
The Best is Yet to Come,
Your founding author ~Hannah